Many people think that in order to remove the tile flooring in their home they are going to have to use traditional methods. This involves using a hammer and chisel to break up the tiles and removing the small shards.
There is not really any other way to go about the process, as tiles are usually cemented or glued to the ground of a home.
One other option however is to use a tile removal machine or a tile removal tool. Land o Lakes residents probably do not have one of these tools on hand, but they are something that can be bought online, or they can potentially be rented out by professional companies that will handle flooring.
If you are someone who wants to use one of these tile removal tools, here we will discuss how they work and what actions need to be taken beforehand.
Make Sure to Still Where Safety Equipment
Using tile removing tools is going to be safer than using traditional methods of hammers and chisels. This is because a person is not as close to the tile flooring, so they are less likely to get cut by shards, breathe in fine dust, or accidentally hit themselves with a hammer.
Because of this, some people might be less likely to take safety precautions when using a tile removal tool. Land o Lakes residents are still recommended and encouraged to take all the safety precautions seriously as you can still get hurt when using a tile removal tool. This is a risk when using any complex machine.
In being safe, at the minimum a person is needing to wear glasses or goggles to protect their eyes, and wear a face mask to not breathe in some of the fine dust that is created from breaking tiles.
Using a Tile Removing Machine
Using a tile removing machine is not as difficult as you may think. In many ways, it is like using a lawn mower; a user simply guides the device in the right direction and a motor with a floor scraper attachment will do all the work.
The important thing to remember is to keep the device straight, and have it angled under the tiles as good as possible for them to be pulled up quickly. Just like any machine however, it is important to be safe while using a tile removing tool. Land o Lakes residents who do not feel comfortable using one of these tile machines can always hire professionals to do the work for them.
This might get the job done in a faster time frame, and be safest for the homeowners.
*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of EMG Floor Removal*