Being able to remove and place new flooring is not common knowledge that everyone has access to. Many people are under the impression that they might be able to do it themselves, but they do not actually know what it takes for tile removal. San Antonio professionals make removing flooring or tile look effortless, but there is actually a lot of tedious work involved. Regardless of how big the job is or which room it is that is having their flooring removed and replaced, the first that anyone should do to begin working on their floor is remove the baseboard trim from around the room.

Breaking up and Removing the Tile

A lot of people who are new to flooring might think that they have to carefully remove all the old tiles before they can add new tiles. Yet when it comes to tile removal, San Antonio flooring professionals do not delicately remove the tiles one by one, in fact the typical way of removing tile is to break them up with a blunt object such as a hammer. Then these professionals will lift these shards or pieces up with a chisel to get every piece up from the concrete floor.

Prepping theĀ Underlay

One you have successfully removed the old layer of tile from the floor it is still not ready for a new set of tiles to be placed. With tile removal, San Antonio professionals must also prep the underlay. If it is deteriorating, you are going to have to remove it and clean the subfloor in order to create new underlay. Underlay will have to be stuck to the subfloor with some sort of adhesive before the floor is finally prepped in order to support new tile in the room of your choosing.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of EMG Floor Removal*